Manchester; Catapult Experience

For Sam’s birthday back in October 2011 I decided to step away from the norm and look for a unique, experience present. I don’t believe anything is as nice as getting someone something that’s little bit more personal, and after excessive stressing, I opted for the Catapult Experience I’d watched David Hasslehoff take part in on ITV’s Red or Black earlier that season,

I knew this experience wasn’t going to match up to that of his Bungee Jump he and his friend James competed back in November 2011, but I thought it might be a different kind of thrill. Stations for the UK Bungee are situated around the UK, our closest port was Manchester so on the morning of the 18th we upped and left for Tatton Park, Cheshire.

Clearly I was more excited than Sam who just shrugged it off as ‘just another jump’ appearing far more interested in the signs for Creamfields Traffic we caught glimpses of on the way haa! But as we pulled up the excitement set up on us both equally.

To me, it looked so high and chills shot down my spine each time I watched a different soul being fired up into the air.. still fixated, we eagerly made our way towards reception.

Checked in by a lovely Yorkshire Lad, we told him where we journeyed up from and he informed us more of UK Bungee Club action happens over at Magna, Rotherham, only a stone through away from my house! Mental note to self to forget all given information.

After only a couple of minutes of waiting the guys had Sam strapped up and ready to be catapulted. Checking numerous times that the straps were not impending any regions they shouldn’t. As Sam made his way toward the Catapult my heart was jumping! Yep, I was definitely more excited than he was!

With the elastic stretched to capacity the woman released the safety clip instantly firing him into the sky! EEEEP! How exciting by my, my stomach leaps at the sight of the elastic slackening with the thought of the free fall that follows!

Needless to say I have a very brave, adrenaline obsessed boyfriend, and although I’d consider doing a Catapult or Sky Dive, a Bungee might take a bit of persuading and an even bigger push off the ledge.

Here are some of my photographs from the event! You can see Sam’s review of his first-hand experience here on his Bonxy Blog, and his Flickr stream here also

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